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Thanksgiving Blessing Mix

Thanksgiving Blessing Mix
My mom asked me to make this blessing mix and it turned out so cute! I’m not so sure how tasty the mixture is, i guess i’m not the biggest fan of bugles, but i love the sentiment behind each ingredient in the mix, and how its a perfect little gift to drop by neighbors or other friends just to let them know you are grateful for them during this season.  I used 5″ wide clear treat bags i got at walmart and printed out the top label on my home printer.  You can download the label for free HERE.  Also just a note on the bugles, they are super hard to find- i got mine at a gas station.
Thanksgiving Blessing Mix
On the backside of the label this is what it says about each ingredient:
-Bugles represent a cornucopia, a horn of plenty, a symbol of our nation’s abundance.
-Pretzels represent arms folded in thanks and prayer, a freedom sought by those who founded our country.
-Candy Corn represents the sacrifices of the pilgrims first winter, food was so scarce that the settlers survived on just a few kernels of corn per day.
-Dried fruit represents the harvest gifts of our bountiful land.
-Nuts and seeds represent the potential of a bounteous harvest for the next season if they are planted and well tended.
-M&M’s are the memories of those who have came before us to guide us to a blessed future.
-A Hershey’s kiss reminds us of the love of family and friends that sweetens our lives.
Thanksgiving Blessing Mix

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Sunday 16th of October 2022

I love the Thanksgiving Blessing Mix and labels but you have a typo on the labels. On the dried fruit one, instead of "harvest", you have "havest". Can you please correct this and send it to me or let me know it's corrected on here? I would love to print these. Thanks!

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